Senile Keratosis

Senile keratosis are growths that looks like mole appearing on the face, back and hands of people who are thirty to fifty years of age and above.  It is common with people who have fair and paled skin.  The growths are not painful and they have no correlation in any way with cancer. It usually occurs when the skin is exposed to too much sunlight.  Senile keratosis is a form of actinic keratosis.

The symptom of keratosis is the appearance of little bumps growing out of the surface of the skin.  The numbers of the bumps varies in size, usually from about 1mm to 3mm and larger.  They are rough in texture and they can itch or sting.  The coloration on the skin is red.  People affected with senile keratosis should consult their doctors for proper medication, especially if the keratosis is painful, infected or growing in size that is beyond measure.

Senile keratosis is diagnosed by examining the skin condition.  Doctors normally use intense light and magnifying lens to search for swelling or lump on the areas affected.  If it is on the hair, the scalp is checked by splitting the hair to look for lesions or lump. After carrying out the examinations, a sample of the skin can now be taken for biopsy for further test.  Senile keratosis can be treated by using four methods: liquid nitrogen, curettage and electrosuggery, medications and photodynamic therapy.

The first method for treating senile keratosis is by using liquid nitrogen.  The skin is frozen with liquid nitrogen to terminate the growth.  This process can set off pain that can be mild, but last up to about three good days. It heals in about 7 to 14 days.  There is no scar noticed except in people with dark skin where the affected areas may appear light.

The second method involves the use of curettage and electrosurgey.  Local anesthetic is applied on the affected spot to numb the skin. The lump is peeled off by the aid of the curette.  After that, electrosurgery is now applied to reduce bleeding and wipe out any abnormal cells left over.

Medications can also be prescribed by doctors.  Creams like fluorouracil, diclofenac etc can be applied to reduce and remove the effect of the growth.

The last method for treating senile keratosis is the use of photodynamic therapy.  This involves using light together with medicine applied on the surface of the skin.  The light aids the medicine to wipe out the senile keratosis.

For best treatment results, people suffering from senile keratosis should go for early treatment as soon as the symptoms start manifesting.

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