Can Seborrheic Keratosis Result To Skin Cancer?

Are you abreast with skin lesions? Did you ever fear what this lesion might be? Did you ever speculate that instead of being a rash or insect bite, it might eventually develop to a more threatening disease such as skin cancer? Well, instead of just doing nothing and worrying, start doing something about it. You can begin by reading medical volumes at a library or probing through medical archives on the internet since you can instantly refer to your skin for the evidence. However, you have to go the doctor at once if according to a credible source, be it from a book or from the internet, your lesion is a manifestation of an even more serious condition.

Here, we will only focus on one of the many types of skin lesions and that is seborrheic keratosis. Keratosis, a medical term, means the unnecessary additional growth of keratin – a protein found naturally in the skin. Its color usually varies from light yellow to brown and even black. Some are flat but most are slightly raised or elevated. And although usually small, it can measure up to one inch across. Its shape is either round or oblong. It can be mistaken for a wart but unlike it, it is not of a viral origin. This type of keratosis prefers to appear in conglomerate than to appear as a/an single lesion. It can actually appear on any part of the body but most of the time, they are located at the chest or the back. But this type is most most popular for its waxiness or greasiness. And you would be happy to know that pain is not a symptom of this type of keratosis. But if you haphazardly do something to irritate this lesion, it can be inflamed causing redness, warmth, swelling, pain and even bleeding and change in the color of the lesion. Therefore, there is really nothing major] about seborrheic keratosis, or is there?

“What if this can cause cancer?”, most of you might have queried. Before we [answer that, we will talk about skin cancer. Skin cancer is apparently the most common type of cancer. One out of eight Americans acquires skin cancer. But because the skin is easily available for inspection, its early detection is not a problem. Therefore, its treatment is not a dilemma. The three types of skin cancer whose basis of naming is based on the cells involved will be discussed in the next sentences. Topping the list is basal cell carcinoma (BCC) known for its high occurrence. Though basal cell carcinoma is fatal, its growth is gradual and it rarely spreads. It starts with the appearance of a minute, crystal growth. Eventually, it undergoes central ulceration as it grows further. The next most prevalent skin cancer type is the basal cell carcinoma. In contrast, this has a faster growth, undergoes metastasis, has a firmer consistency and redder in color. Of couse, we must not set aside the third type, malignant melanoma which is the most fatal type of skin cancer. You can use the mnemonic ABCDE to always keep in mind its characteristics. Assmetry, crooked borders, varied colors, a 6-millimeter or more diameter and elevation are its typical characteristics.

So, is it a type of malignant tumor? Though actinic keratosis, another type of keratosis, leads to squamous cell carcinoma, seborrheic keratosis does not. Seborrheic keratosis, to our surprise, is a benign type of skin growth. Therefore, your physical appearance and discomfort should be your only distress.