Seborrheic Keratosis | Things To Avoid

Seborrheic keratosis closely resembles actinic keratosis, only this time, it has waxy or greasy characteristics. This commonly appears when someone is old, and they also look like warts. But this is not always the situation. Heredity is another factor to be looked into considered this.   Keratinocytes are the origin of these growths. Since it is noncancerous, it is nothing to be too worried about. Its only downside is its ugly appearance. You should not mistake this type of keratosis for warts because they have no viral nature.

It persists on sun exposed parts of the skin such as the neck, arms and legs so it is perceived that the sun could be a factor on having seborrheic keratosis. Losing your coolness is probable if it appears on obvious parts of the skin.

Since this skin condition rarely aches or causes discomfort, you really don’t have to get rid of it. Picking, scratching or scraping it off yourself should not be practiced. Doing so may trigger infection. It is also good if you wash with mild soaps and detergents to prevent irritation.

Getting rid of this requires a doctor’s recommendation. There are many choices and it’s up to you to choose.


•    When it comes to seborrheic keratosis elimination, you can bet that laser treatments are very effective.   It only wipes out the damaged cells and has no effect on healthy cells.

•    Electrocautery is mostly effective if combined with curettage. Electric charges burn off involved areas.

•    Using a curette in removing seborrheic keratosis is called curettage. Curettage can’t be effective if not combined with electrocautery.

•    Liquid nitrogen is used in a procedure called cryotherapy.

You have to take extra good care of your skin if you don’t want these skin problems to hinder you.

Keratosis Further Reading Keratosis Further Reading:

Actinic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis