Protect Your Children from Keratosis

Children & Keratosis

Because children have very sensitive skin unlike adults their skin care has to be gentle since skin damage in a child can be permanent and can go on until they get old. The rays of the sun for example can be harmful and can cause a child to develop freckles and although freckles are the natural way for the skin to protect itself naturally, they might carry on until later in life.

There are different types of the keratosis condition due to the reasons or factors that causes it or its main characteristics. Actinic keratosis which is also called “solar keratosis” or “senile keratosis” is a premalignant condition of thick, scaly or crusty patches of the skin and is more common in fair skinned people.

Keratosis Pilaris also called follicular keratosis and more commonly known as chicken skin is a common autosomal dominant genetic follicular condition that is demonstrated by the presence of rough bumps on the skin. Most often, it is made manifest on the back and outer side of the upper arms although the lower arms might also be affected. It can also appear on the thighs, hands, and the top of the legs, the flanks, the buttocks, or any body part except the palms or the soles of the feet or parts of the skin where no hair appears. It is not common for lesions to appear on the face although this does happen and is most often confused with acne. While keratosis pilaris is completely harmless, it is a condition that may lead or contribute to or even increase or aggravate a condition of depression and anxiety.

Seborrheic Keratosis is a non cancerous benign skin growth that has its origins from keratinocytes. People often jokingly refer to them as barnacles and although they might look dangerous, in actual sense they are harmless although quite annoying. They are also known as seborrheic verruca and also as “senile wart” and appear in various colors from light tan to black and are round or oval in shape. They can be very small and sometimes they can be more than 2.5 centimeters or one inch across.

Having known the various types of keratosis conditions that exist, the issue that should be dealt with is how to protect or prevent your children from having them. The real answer is that because environmental and genetically inclined considerations play a big role on the probability of getting keratosis, it might be quite difficult to prevent your children from getting them. Especially if your family has a background of keratosis history, then it might be that your child is at a higher risk of getting it. Although some keratosis is not curable, they can be treated or removed and the treatments available include keratosis removal cream or serums.

Keratosis Further ReadingFurther Reading:

Keratosis Treatments

Keratosis WebsitesWebsite Reading:

Keratosis Treatment – Actinic Keratosis – Seborrheic Keratosis – Ag3derm