Keratosis – Advanced Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Some of the most advanced forms of treating keratosis which has advanced into squamous cell carcinoma includes; Excision with conventional margins, Electrodessication and curettage, Immuno-supression reduction, systemic chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, topical immune response modifiers, photodynamic therapy, and non-surgical therapies.

Topical chemotherapy as well as topical immune response modifiers are regarded as the best non surgical treatments for squamous cell carcinoma. Topical chemotherapy involves the use of 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of actinic keratosis and superficial basal cell carcinoma. Though the topical chemotherapy treatment with 5-fluorouracil does not work effectively for invasive squamous cell carcinoma, the oral form is rather preferred and can be effectively used in dealing with most advanced stages of the infection.

Photodynamic therapy is one of the most advanced forms of treating squamous cell carcinoma. It involves the use of photosensitizer which can be offered topically. After the application of the photosensitizer, the individual is further exposed to a light source and this result in a photo-chemical reaction that results in the inflammation and destruction of the lesions of squamous cell carcinoma. This form of treatment can be highly effective however patients who have undergone organ transplant as well as those who have suffered multiple actinic keratosis may record some re-occurrences.

The PDT treatment is usually used in treating several actinic keratosis development on the skin in one single session, reports have shown that the PDT Therapy is superior to many topical forms of treatment including 5-fluorouracil and it is a treatment that can be effectively applied on people who have undergone organ transplant , however PDT is not always recommended for invasive squamous cell carcinoma treatment because of its poor long term success.

Systemic chemotherapy is used in dealing with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. This treatment can be described as a combination chemotherapy which involves the use of 5-FU, methotrexate, bleomycin, and doxorubicin. The results of this combination therapy on advance form of squamous cell carcinoma come with varying results in different individuals. This therapy can be used alone or in combination with interferon alfa, this combination has shown a tremendous positive impact in destroying cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma growths.

Reduction of immunosuppressant treatments for squamous cell carcinoma are only considered in some high risk patients and its not normally used in treating every squamous cell carcinoma cases. Immune system enhancing therapies such as prednisone, cyclosporine, azathioprine, and mycophenolate can be offered to the patient to increase his or her immune system and through such squamous cell carcinoma can be effectively dealt with.