Don’t Take Chances With Actinic Keratosis

Skin cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed of all cancers, exceeding even colorectal, prostate, breast, and lung cancer. Skin cancer is the most pervasive cancer in the population’s 20 – 39 age bracket. Unknown to the greater majority, actinic keratosis is known to be potentially precancerous and can develop into the skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma if left untreated. Lesions from actinic keratosis that are left untreated have a 20% risk of progressing into that particular cancerous disease.

Otherwise known as solar keratosis or senile keratosis, actinic keratosis often appears as small, rough patches of skin that are 2-6 mm each in diameter. These lesions are often red, sore, and painful to the touch. You can also sometimes see white or yellow scales on them.

Since it has been studied that actinic keratosis is potentially precancerous, the skin condition is considered as very precarious.

Solar keratosis is principally caused by over exposure to intense sun for long periods of time. Fair-skinned individuals are more at risk with regards to this skin condition, especially when they go outside without sunscreen.

The top surface of the hands and the forearms are the most frequently affected portions of the body by actinic keratosis. The reason is since these portions are typically the ones that are exposed to the sun. Alternate areas commonly targeted by actinic keratosis include the face, ears, the scalp and the nape. Even the legs may be affected, for several people.

It is highly advised that actinic keratosis lesions be immediately removed once diagnosed. If you happen to see suspicious red lesions on your epidermis, you must see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Consult with your doctor to confirm if the spots are the precancerous kind. Should the lesions be found as being caused by actinic keratosis, swift action is advised. When it comes to cancer, time is of the essence. The faster that the cancer is treated, the better the chances are of you being healed.

Actinic keratosis treatment can be in the form of using creams. Photodynamic creams or those that come with imiquimod, diclofenac, or 5-fluorouracil are applied in skin therapy to deal with actinic keratosis. One more way is by the application of lasers. Still other techniques include the burning/cutting of the lesions and cryosurgery.

No matter what kind of process you choose to deal with your skin lesions, do remember to engage only competent and respectable doctors. Those precancerous lesions may be your end if you are not serious with your treatment.